Thursday, September 4, 2014

Treme Steppers 2012 SA&P Club Parade with Rebirth

Having been inactive on posting here for a number of years, I've decided to stick with a more consistent theme and format.  Rather than doing the occasional post on random Saints successes of days past, I'll be using this an a forum to post video and photos of New Orleans culture, including second line parades, live music, food, nature and art.  I have a lot of content to share, and I'm hoping that some who enjoy these things may appreciate the records of my experiences with it.  This is a city like no other, and after many years spent immersing myself in the culture, I never cease to be amae$ed at the depth and breadth of it.  The videos will also be hosted on my You-Tube channel.

To start it off, here is a video of the Treme Sidewalk Steppers Social & Aid and Pleasure Club Parade rolling to a stop at Sidney's on St. Bernard on February 5, 2012 with the Rebirth Brass Band utilizing two sousaphones (dig that deep bass sound).  As a side note, one of the things I enjoy most about second line parades is the desire of dancers to find the highest possible point to strut their stuff.  I have witnessed many on the roofs of buildings, high front porches, telephone poles, buses and even the top of an abandoned Pizza Hut.  I'll post some other photos/video of other examples in the future. Thanks to the Club and the band for making this another killer parade.

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